Game Development

Is Early Access the Right Choice for Your Game?

Is Early Access the Right Choice for Your Game?

Are you a game developer working on an exciting new project? Are you contemplating whether to release your game through Early Access or go with a traditional full release? Making this decision is crucial, as it can significantly impact the success and reception of your game. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of Early Access for developers, discuss the advantages and disadvantages for players, and provide alternatives to Early Access. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of whether Early Access is the right choice for your game.

Understanding Early Access

Early Access is a program offered by platforms like Steam, where game developers can release early builds of their titles for the public to purchase. Unlike demos or pre-orders, Early Access games are unfinished, unpolished, and often contain bugs. When players buy an Early Access game, they gain access to the current version and all future updates. This creates a sense of ownership and allows players to provide feedback and suggestions to the developers, which can help shape the final version of the game.

Advantages of Early Access for Developers

There are several advantages to releasing a game through Early Access:

  1. Public Beta Testing: Early Access provides an opportunity for developers to engage in public beta testing. By allowing players to experience and provide feedback on the game before its final launch, developers can gather valuable insights and identify and fix major issues, saving time and resources in the long run.
  2. Marketing Potential: Releasing a game on Early Access can generate increased visibility and exposure. More eyes will be on your game, and if there's something unique and entertaining about it, word will spread. Steam users can wishlist your game, even if they don't purchase it right away, expanding your potential customer base.
  3. Community Engagement: Early Access creates a community of players who are invested in the game's development. This sense of ownership encourages players to offer feedback, suggestions, and support, which can foster a loyal player base and turn one-time buyers into lifelong customers.
  4. Accumulated Hype: Even if your game stays in Early Access for an extended period, it can benefit from accumulated hype. A successful Early Access run can generate excitement and anticipation for the game's official release, leading to higher sales and player engagement.

However, it's important to note that the Early Access market is volatile and unpredictable. One rocky launch or failure to address player feedback can have detrimental effects on your game's reputation and financial success. Steam specifically warns against using Early Access solely for generating income, highlighting the importance of carefully managing the development process.

Drawbacks for Developers using Early Access

While Early Access offers many advantages, there are also potential drawbacks to consider:

  1. Reputation Risks: Early Access has garnered a reputation for hosting low-quality games and shovelware. If your game does not stand out and differentiate itself from the rest, it may be perceived as just another cash grab. It's crucial to ensure that your game is of high quality and offers a unique experience to avoid being associated with the negative aspects of Early Access.
  2. Expectations and Bug Fixes: Early Access players expect regular updates and bug fixes. They serve as valuable playtesters, providing feedback and identifying issues that need to be addressed. Failure to respond to their needs and concerns can lead to a loss of trust and interest in your game.
  3. Stealing Momentum: Launching in Early Access runs the risk of stealing momentum from your official release. If your pre-release launch is rocky, you're unable to address community feedback, or business concerns slow down development, you risk losing player interest and potential sales. It's important to time your Early Access release strategically and plan for a successful full launch.
  4. Thematic Fit: Early Access may not be a suitable platform for every game, particularly story-driven games. Releasing a game too early can potentially spoil the experience and subtract from the impact of the official launch. Consider whether Early Access aligns with your game's concept and whether it would add value to the player's experience.

When to Release on Early Access

If you've determined that Early Access is a good fit for your game, timing is critical. You should consider the following factors:

  1. Game Progress: Early Access is designed for games in the alpha or beta stages. Releasing a nearly complete game won't provide the benefits of player feedback and testing. Your game should have enough substance to generate excitement and engage players, but also leave room for improvement and iteration based on feedback.
  2. Funding and Resources: Early Access can provide additional funding to support your game's development. However, it's important to assess whether you need this funding to enhance your game further. If you have the resources to complete your game without relying solely on Early Access sales, it may be more advantageous to release a polished, finished product.
  3. Competition and Market Timing: Consider the release cycles and holidays when planning your Early Access launch. Aim for slower months with fewer competing game releases to maximize visibility and player attention. It's essential to choose a time when players have extra time and resources to invest in exploring and purchasing Early Access games.

When to Leave Early Access

Deciding when to leave Early Access can be challenging and depends on various factors:

  1. Game Stability and Completeness: Your game should be stable, playable, and complete before considering leaving Early Access. It's crucial to address major bugs, improve the user experience, and incorporate player feedback. Leaving Early Access too early may result in negative reviews and a damaged reputation.
  2. Development Progress and Player Satisfaction: Regularly assess the progress of your game and the satisfaction of your player base. Strive to meet player expectations and deliver on the promises made during Early Access. Implement feedback, improve features, and ensure that your game meets the quality standards expected of a full release.
  3. Timing and Market Conditions: Consider market conditions, player interest, and competing releases when planning your full release. Launching too early or too late can impact your game's success. Strive for a balance between a well-developed game and maintaining player engagement.

Alternatives to Early Access

If Early Access doesn't align with your game's vision or development strategy, there are alternative approaches to consider:

  1. Crowdfunding: Launching a crowdfunding campaign can generate income and community support while allowing you to retain control over the game's development. Backers can contribute financially and receive rewards or exclusive access to development updates without directly purchasing an unfinished game.
  2. Demos and Prototypes: Releasing demos, prototypes, or proof-of-concept versions of your game on indie-friendly platforms can help generate interest, gather feedback, and test the market. This approach allows players to experience a slice of your game without committing to Early Access or a full purchase.
  3. Indie-friendly Platforms: Explore platforms like, where you can release early builds, prototypes, or demos of your game. These platforms cater to indie developers and provide an opportunity to showcase your game, gather feedback, and build a community.


Choosing whether to release your game through Early Access or go with a traditional full release is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your game's success. Early Access offers advantages such as public beta testing, marketing potential, community engagement, and accumulated hype. However, there are also drawbacks, including reputation risks, managing expectations, and potential loss of momentum.

Consider the state of your game, your resources, and the expectations of your player base when deciding whether Early Access is the right choice. Alternatively, explore crowdfunding, demos, and indie-friendly platforms as alternatives to Early Access. By carefully evaluating your options and aligning them with your game's vision, you can make an informed decision that maximizes the potential for success.